Friday, January 29, 2010

How Dangerous Are Steriod Creams On Babies Are People Given Schizophrenia Always Dangerous Or Could Be Harmless?

Are people given schizophrenia always dangerous or could be harmless? - how dangerous are steriod creams on babies

I mean, it is necessary that a character of evil and dangerous?


Anonymous said...

Schizophrenia is a major psychiatric disorder most often occurring in three persons per thousand in the United Kingdom. Here's something different for each person, but usually involves a dramatic disturbance in thoughts and feelings.

The characteristics that are in many cases of schizophrenia:

Delusions (abnormal beliefs not based in reality)
Hallucinations (the sensation of an experience that is not really happening)
Disordered thoughts based on delusions and hallucinations
Abnormal behavior in response to the other three.

Schizophrenia often starts suddenly and disaster) damage (acute schizophrenia, and can produce a lifetime (chronic) disease. Nearly 80% of people with first episode will recover, but 70% is a second episode within five to seven years ago.

Two important points:

Schizophrenia is frequently misunderstood as split personality or multiple personality. However, the distribution of schizophrenia refers to the time lag between thought and feeling, not personality.
People with schizophRenia rarely dangerous to other people. Most of those who are vulnerable to disease and have withdrawn and more likely to hurt others.

Anonymous said...

People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities. There is a split between thinking and feeling. Think of something happy, but I feel sad. It is very different. The disease occurs in approximately 1% of the population of the United States. Positive symptoms are hallucinations (feeling things that are not real) and delusions to believe (things that are not real). Negative symptoms are withdrawal and isolation. Very few people with schizophrenia are violent. Instead of them the target of violence.

Anonymous said...

It is a mental problem that no conclusions now forget the things that
LHE is not dangerous .. or harmful
that, as we are normal

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