Friday, February 19, 2010

How Much Do Foley Artistget Paid TNA Are Taking The Same Path As WCW?

TNA are taking the same path as WCW? - how much do foley artistget paid

TNA seems to be going the same way WCW even over 15 years.

Enter to take a group of fighters past their best - Nash, Steiner, Sting, Foley, Booker T, Dudley, etc. Try the advantage of their recognition. In addition, the development of some of its own in the process - AJ, Joe, Daniels, Guns, Beer Money, etc. Take a breath from time to time - Angle, Sting, Lashley, etc.

They took the path of the old school and new school - MEM vs. Frontline - which is strange compared to the original WCW vs. NWO.

The Personnel Management TNA "until the series to that point ahead - Jarrett and Foley - very similar to Bischoff has pushed us in the WCW.

While everything that has happened before, it is reasonable that the pines have been workingt is the time to, why can not work this time? WCW managed to take most of the WWE audience in the 90s with wars, Monday evening, and as everyone knows, was the No. 1 show on television rather fight for 80 consecutive weeks.

The comment is Mike Tenay was in WCW commentator Tony Shenavai (uncertain) spelling, he does with Don West

I completely off base this entire scenario? I am the only one who thinks that TNA is exactly the same as the WCW? collected in the left WCW

1 comment:

TRDD said...

I must admit and correct promblm UR with TNA is that they have more Monday about 20 years, and if they survive, until the WWE superstars, but most people is due to wcwbecausee theschedulee money, but if they want sameschedulee wwe tna then compete with all the TNA will not leave with money and tscheduleule shorter, like the WWE, or people like Joe and styles of the other is not for the respect that she was arrested for the company Didt Gail Kim announced? Why is the money that I right? now = = wwe wwf wcw tna they have all the money they buy what they want, but not as stupid as WCW was probmlem

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